Friday, November 7, 2014

Picture Book Idea Month!

For many writers out there, November has become known as NaNoWriMo, or, National Novel Writing Month. The idea is to write a rough draft of entire novel in the month of November. A quick glance at Wikipedia say the event began in 1999 with just a couple dozen people, but it's grown to over thousands of people attempting it every year.

Well, something else has sparked from this creative madness, and that's called PiBoIdMo. Picture Book Idea Month. Started by Tara Lazar (@taralazar), the concept behind this event is to create an idea for a picture book, every day, for the month of November.

I failed at it miserably last year, whereby I think I only did two days. Well, this is the end of the first week of PiBoIdMo, and so far I've held to it. Here's a small look at days 1-5:

A couple of the ideas I really like and a couple ideas I think are just space fillers, but that's okay. The point isn't to have 30 brilliant ideas at the end of the month, but to have this bank of 30 ideas you can draw from and work with. Who knows, maybe one day one of these 30 will be a great picture book.

In my case, I'm not only using these ideas for Picture Books, but since I make comics for all-ages, I decided that some of them could possibly make some great graphic novel ideas. Either way, it's November 7th, and I've got a few more ideas in my head I can't wait to put down.

Over on Tara's blog, she's posting a blog a day from some great kid-lit creators and today's was awesome. A couple days ago I came up with a simple little idea about a little red cardinal. I had and still have no idea what his story is yet, but just that little idea was a struggle. I couldn't really think of anything. Well, today on Tara's blog is a post by Jennifer Arena (@hallojen), and there's a chart that lists a number of different objects and people and things. You just hook up two of those little boxes and WHAM!, there's an idea! I love it.

If you haven't followed the blog do so and if you want to register for PiBoIdMo, today is that last day! Come on, join the fun!

Be Awesome

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